and what do you knowww, we ended up doing some on the night of 4th of july, although literally it was already past midnight and i was so wasted i almost fell on the bench (image the million dollar baby movie). and what the hellll do you know, a cop in his vicious bicycle tells us to quit this shit or else we are going to get in trouble.
dang it, everytime we are doing fireworks, i swear to god, i have cops running after my ass. like that one time, we were launching rocket fireworks. it flew into someones window (of course i was with natsuko) and the next thing you know, a cop is right behind us smirking and saying some whack shit like, 「おまえらぁ、おまわりさんをなめるなよぉ~」
しかも of course this cop is riding on his vicious bike too.
what is it with japan and cops on bicycles. so much more non-threatening when compared to the cops in the states. seriously, i feel like i can actually take one here, but in america its like bye. in reality, they can both kick my ass till i bleed from my eyes.
oh well.