so i never looked twice at japanese guys. the type that never had american education. the type that goes through 'jyuken' and parties throughout college.
i've been working in a kote-kote japanese company for 3 months now. and what i dont understand is:
why do they ignore me today when we were buddies yesterday?
for instance. say we are chummy friendly laughing about some random topic and bonding over cartoons. you think you've established a genuine sense of friendship when all of a sudden the next day, they walk by you without saying hi. or they just see you and knod. thats all i get???
OR. this one guy sits next to me. he sees me and walks straight by me. so i walk faster and stand right next to him. ' you totally saw me and you didn't say hi huh.' he looks back, 'ahaha, sorry!'
ahahah sorry?!?!?!?!
the helllll are you smoking?!
weird, so weird. i can't understand japanese men.
but i'm trying.
and i'll get there...
i think.
or maybe i'll never understand this culture.
boy, how i miss the states sometimes.