ever since i've been back in tokyo, i have realized that jumping in front of a train is a very common way to put a period to the mudane life style of mr. x; or mrs. or miss. or whatever. a few years ago, a girl at my station (and she wasn't trying to kill herself) stood too close to the platform with her long skirf. sir train decided to accidentally yank her skirf and welcome her body to a machine that was traveling at a pretty fucking exciting pace. the poor girl's body was torn apart to the point that her chunks and bones flew down on the streets like it was rain. true story.
a few days ago, a man decided to jump in front of the train at my station. the little restaurants and shops that are nested peacefully underneath the tracks thought they heard a thunderstorm, when in reality, it was the sound of the man's body, cracking into pieces. identification is an obvious bitch process.
our metro system is extremely costly, a delay in minutes costs thousands.
apparently, when a person decides to suicide in this type of method, the metro system charges the mourning family with a fat bill. roughly, 2 million dollars? is what i hear.
so my topic of discussion lately revolves around suicide because of this recent event. (not to mention that at times you have to wait at the station forever to get from point A to point B because some cunt decides to involve the entire population to celebrate their last day on earth.)
i'd have to say that for japanese people, it is very common to take thy life by either hanging yourself or jumping in front of the tracks. and this got me thinking about the type of people japanese people are. then i thought about the states, and how shooting yourself is a common way of taking thy life. would choosing how we end our lives reflect our cultural background? do we just work with what we have with?
or is this something that is plotted so that it suits the personna of each individual?
but most of all.
shouldn't i be thinking of ponys and cupcakes instead?
it's tuesday. it's only fucking tuesday.