this roots to my LOVELY mom who booted me out of the country when i was still in kindergarden to england... so that my engarish would improve... mmmmm, i don't know about how you roll mom.
some highlights from my first solo trip includes:
1) having a nonstop gagging reflex right when i got into the gate (stewardess on my right not knowing wtf to do)
2) stewardess bringing me back to my mom (her eyes were probably screaming, THIS IS YOURS!), and my mom telling me with her eyes: board on the motherfucking plane kid.
3) host mother in england bitching about how i used too much toilet paper. (ARE YOU KIDDING ME???? you stingy fuck!!!)
4) coming back with a delightful english accent. would like that back, please.
so yes. byes kinda suck.
and today was my last day at my company!!!
my coworkers got me beaaaautiful flowers <3 hontouni arigatou!! i heart them so much!ちょっと見てみ、いいだろぉ~!

ahhh---, a new chapter is about to start...!!!! quite exciting, pretty much scary.
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